02 7233 4001


Our leadership team come from
Electrical Engineering backgrounds.

We've built strong working relationships with many of Australia's of the leading contractors/sub-contractors in Australia, who rely on us to consistently supply skilled electricians for new & on-going projects.

Command M+E has built great reputation in the marketplace due to our vast experience working on medium to large scale projects. We provide labour for level 1 & 2 capabilities that our own licensed electricians conduct.

We have also been deemed code compliant by the ABCC which means we are able to work across a number of government funded projects.

Our people are our number 1 priority and we always apply optimal risk management procedures to ensure their safety. Providing a safe workplace for our staff is our goal, achieved by minimising safety risks and continuous stringent training. Our Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) is second to none and runs in accordance with the National AS/NZS 4801 standard.

Our electrical trade’s people include but are not limited too:

- Cable Pullers
 - Electrical Trade Assistants
- Instrumentation and process control tech
- Licensed & Unlicensed
- Level 1 & 2 ASP
- Lines person / cable jointers
- Signalling Electricians

Our data and communication specialists include but are not limited to:

- Alarm and Security Technicians
- Communication Technicians
- Data TechniciansFire Technicians
- Splicers



Enquire Now


Our client care team is ready to assist you with your staffing needs

Call us on 02 7233 4001
or complete our online enquiry from

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